Hosting a job fair is a great way to help the community. You get to be part of matching potential employees with great companies and get to promote your own business in the process. Whether you represent a job hiring firm or a local community college, a job fair can be a huge success for what you care about most: building the economy.
You want to have enough space to make your job fair a success, and you also want to choose a location that will work best for everyone who will attend. You can expect a large turnout for your job fair as people come through to browse different potential employers, learn more about the businesses in your area, partake of work courses, and socialize in general. Here are three reasons you should host your job fair at a hotel conference room.
Your location is neutral
Hosting a job fair at a hotel conference room provides a neutral location that everyone in the community is likely familiar with. A hotel is often a landmark in a city or town, so when you choose to host your job fair at a local hotel, you not only boost the hotel's business in the process, you create a location that is easy to find, has lots of great parking, and is pleasant for everyone.
Your space is large
A conference room is often large enough to have a lot of guests. Your local hotel conference room also likely has many tables, chairs, and other equipment you need to make your job fair a true success. You'll want to speak to a coordinator or party planning specialist at the hotel you're considering to see if projectors, microphones, and other equipment will be available for you to rent in addition to the conference room.
Your guests have somewhere to stay
Some of the people attending the job fair may come from a long distance or be staying in the area for a number of days to set up their booth. Renting a conference room at a hotel makes sense: your attendees can simply book a room at the hotel. Your hotel manager may even offer a discount to those staying at the hotel if they are also attending the job fair. You'll want to make arrangements far enough in advance so you can book the conference room of your choosing with ease; your hotel manager or supervisor will assist you.